Join the Flairventure!

Join the Flairventure!

πŸŽ‰πŸ“š Welcome to the JibblyBitz Flairventure, a dazzling collaboration where your novels inspire our charms! 🌟 Here's how to join the fun and flair:

  • Step Into the Spotlight: Begin your Flairventure by filling out our easy-peasy interest form. Share your mailing info and upload your vibrant book covers and logos. πŸ’Œ
  • Unbox Magic: Receive a custom promo pack, our gift to you, featuring a sneak peek of the charms that could star in your stories. It's like holding a piece of your own universe in the palm of your hand! ✨
  • Love it? Let's do this!: If you're just as obsessed with these custom charms as we are, we'd LOVE to have you join our Flairventure Affiliate Program and design a custom collection that celebrates your author brand, characters, and more. Read over the Flairventure Partnership Agreement and upload the completed document here.
  • Design Your Destiny: After you've been charmed by our charms, we'll have a virtual tea party to talk shop. We'll conjure up designs that capture the essence of your tales and characters. β˜•οΈπŸŽ¨
  • Flaunt and Flourish: The grand debut of our Author Collaboration Collections is happening NOW! Your custom designs will twinkle in our collabs collections, sold exclusively through JibblyBitz. Plus, you'll get a sparkling direct link for your own merch site that links to your specific collection.
  • Reap the Rewards: Not only do you get to dazzle fans with Bitz from your books, but you also bag a 20% commission on all sales made through your linkβ€”cha-ching! πŸ€‘
  • Event Exclusive: Attend signings? We've got you covered! Choose custom Bitz to give away as swag at your table, and we'll feature the rest at our booth. Plus, we'll provide a mini displayΒ for your table to ensure your readers know where to flock for the full set! πŸ“…πŸ›οΈ

Questions? Reach out to us at Let's make your literary world wearable and share the flair everywhere! πŸŒπŸ’«